Français - EUR

Royal Society of St. George Paris

The Royal Society of St. George, Paris - Founded in 1894 - Incorporated by Royal Charter - Patron: His Majesty the King

The Royal Society of St. George, Paris is the premier patriotic society promoting a passion for all things English in France with get-togethers at prestigious venues in and around Paris.

This page will allow you to pay for your annual membership of the Royal Society of St. George, as well as order tickets for our various events throughout the year including The President's Cocktail Party, The St. George's Day Senate Dinner, The Embassy Summer Garden Party, The Garden Visit and Luncheon, The Charles Spencer Bernard Longchamp Champagne Picnic, The English Wine tasting Evening and The Royal Society of St. George Christmas Party amongst many others.

Please favour payment by credit card or bank transfer. Payment must be received before the date on which the event is due to take place.

IBAN: FR76 1027 8061 2400 0204 1060 193   BIC: Crédit Mutuel CMCIFR2A

Registered Address: 28 rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris.
Association Loi 1901 - W751086511

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(= product.price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)   (= myProducts[].newInitialUnitPrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =) (- (= myProducts[].promotion.value =) %)
(Stock : (= product.remainingStock =))

(= product.sectionName =) (= $index + 1 =)

Sous-total produit :  (= myProducts[].price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)   (= myProducts[].newUnitPrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =) (- (= myProducts[].promotion.value =) %)
(= product.title =)
(= categories[product.category] =)
(= product.price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)   (= myProducts[].newInitialUnitPrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =) (- (= myProducts[].promotion.value =) %)
(Stock : (= product.remainingStock =))
Aucun produit à afficher

(= products.length =) / (= pagination.count =) produits affichés

(= product.title =)
(= product.price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)

(= deliveryErrorMessage =)
Aucun créneau n'est disponible pour le moment, merci de sélectionner un autre moyen de livraison.
Code appliqué : (= appliedCode =)
Le code n'existe pas


(= basePrice | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =) (= subTotal | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)

Remise ((= promotion.value =)%)

− (= promotionAmount | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)

Code :  (= appliedCode =) ((= codePromotion.value =)%)   [ Supprimer ]

− (= codePromotionAmount | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)

Livraison  ((= deliveryModeTitle =))

(= deliveryAmount | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)


Total à payer
(= price | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)
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